Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Blink detail

Another thing I've noticed more and more is that both our mouth and eye corners stick together duing open and close positions. It's almost like super small overlap. I've made this quick movie of a blink to show what I mean. Notice how the corners of the eyes lead the blink down and stick together on the way up. It's really subtle but can add that level of detail that can make it stand out. I've also added a tiny amount of squash to the eye to give a more fleshy feel to it. The key to good facial animation is the fleshy organic feel of the face. The jaw and eyes are a great place to S&S. The last bit of detail I've done is to contract the eyes ever so slightly when they open. This is to simulate light going into the eye when it opens. Our eyes not only dialate when we add or subtract light but they also dialate when we change focus. Hope this is helpful. Word



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