Thursday, November 02, 2006

New Shot

Animation is a never ending journey and I think that's why I'm drawn so heavily to it. You can study and grow for the rest of your life. I spend a lot of time animating shots at home so that I can get better. Whether I'm working on a job or have some extra free time, I always have a shot that I'm working on at home. The worst thing that can happen is not practicing. Set a goal for the shot and try to reach it. Even if it is unsucessful, make sure that you learn something from it. Do you want to demonstrate weight? Strong acting? Good timing? Spacing? etc. Of course it is ideal to have all of this in a shot but sometimes it's better to focus more on one aspect at a time. Maybe you're confident with your spacing and timing but want to really show great acting. Do a shot that demonstrates this and keep doing shots until you feel confident. I personally spend most of my time on performance. I want to solve my scenes in unique yet relatable ways. One of my mentors Kyle Clark always said, "find unique solutions to the scene." I will never forget that and I always strive to do this in my acting. I have a new shot in the works and will be posting my blocking very soon. I hope to finish it within the week so that I can update my reel yet again. Updating the reel is a never ending process! Until next time, I'm outtie.



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